Friday, August 28, 2009

[13] Business Blog Success: 10 Tips For a Profitable Blog

You know starting a blog in connection to your business will expand your internet presence in a (hopefully) positive way and could potentially lead more customers your way, but have you considered how to make your blog contribute more to your overall profit margin?
Consider some quick facts on how you can turn your business blog into a money maker, or start one with that potential today.
1. This may strike you as obvious, but include a lot of links back to your company website. You can also talk about your business connections, but you don’t want to force-feed your products in a business blog. Your goal is to make your business visible and accessible so those interested will make their way to being future customers.
2. Just as with any marketing strategy, you have to know your target audience for it to pay off. A business blog is different from one designed for personal use because you want to attract and impress customers who will actually do business with you in the future. Therefore, your content must reflect information they are interested in hearing, and which shows you are an expert in the field that they can trust.
3. Don’t ignore people who are nice enough to leave you comments. Engage them and you never know what could come out of it! An active blog often leads to an active checkout system on your website, and you get that activity by interacting with others on the blog.
4. Same goes with other bloggers in your field of business. Interact with them and comment on their posts in your posts, so they in turn will comment you in the future. Other blogs with little links to your blog will lead even more people to your business.
5. Email subscriptions are gold! They allow you to communicate even more with those interested in your field, but they also give you valuable email addresses of people who could turn into future customers.
6. Take advantage of companies that have affiliate programs that are related to your field, but who are not direct competition for your own business. Your blog can earn you some extra profit when your growing fan-base clicks on those links.
7. Tackle the current news as it relates to your niche, and anything else of current relevance. Your blog is a marketing strategy, but this should not be obvious to those who visit the site. You want to show them you know what you’re talking about, you’re a great person, and you can be trusted. But you don’t want them to feel you are trying to sell them something just yet.
8. Link to popular social-networking sites as often as you can, and open your own accounts on those as well, if possible. The hope is that your readers will quote you on those sites, leading to thousands of extra hits on your blog as a result.
9. Take advantage of blog directories that are free. Submit to as many as you can to get your name out there as much as possible.
10. Get the goods on inserting keywords into the text before trying to do it. If you simply stuff your blog full of words that make no sense in the overall context, you are destined to fail both with your fan base (or lack thereof) and with the search engines.
If it looks like a business blog takes a lot of work, you are right. The good ones take some thought, planning and genuine interest in the field. But the payoff in profits can be huge, so jump in and see what you can do!
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